Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lovesong of the Buzzard

So today I have come to the realization that I have become super addicted to coffee.

 I usually stop to get a coffee everyday between noon and 3. Today my humanities lecture ran super late and I only had five minutes before my next class and then I wouldn't be able to get coffee till 4 o'clock. I totally started panicking and didn't care that I was 5 minutes late for my next class I wanted that coffee damn it. Once I got in my class and had my caffiene it was like all was right with the world. Uh oh. 

I have a ton of reading to do tonight for women's studies. Other than that I don't have a lot to do which is good because I have IRISH STEP DANCE TONIGHT!!

I did it for the first time last week and it was a lot of fun. I mean I'm terrible at it, not that that's suprising, considering I am the world's least coordinated person ever. But I really enjoyed it so as long as the poor girls teaching me have some patience for my sorry ass it should be fabulous.

Monday, September 29, 2008


Better weather and a better mood today, though my stomach is super upset for no apparent reason.

Since Im an expert in procrastination and I really dont want to work on a paper of mine right now I figure I should probably tell a little bit about myself:

I'm in college
I have a talent for making every conversation I have super awkward
I love music with clapping and british tv
I spend way to much time on Ohnotheydidnt
I wear contacts
And I almost never wear bright colors

Sunday, September 28, 2008

with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly

Have you ever felt unexpressable sadness for no reason at all? I don't mean this in a whiny self-pitying way, but in a way thats like, you feel that something is so fundamentally wrong and you have no way to fix it. 

 I've been feeling that way a lot this lately. I happened a lot to me all though out high school but I really thought I had outgrown it.  It was easier to deal with back then, I could just hide in my room and cry it out for a couple of days. It's not that I even want to be by myself its just that I feel that when I'm like that I'm not really fit for human company if you know what I mean?

It is so much harder in college when you have roommates. I hate to be the Debbie downer but sometimes its hard to hide it. I really don't want anyone to think its their fault ether. 

It is just something I have to work through. I wish I could go home and just talk it out with my mom but my schedule wont let me go home till probably thanksgiving. 

Friday, September 26, 2008


Trapped in my room all this weekend because the clouds have opened up and are now trying to drown me. I really wish I could get out and go for a nice long walk. I get super antsy if I sit still for to long. 
I guess its for the best because I really do have to get my Social Sci paper done. A paper + terrible weather= a recipe for a bad mood.  The rain during fall makes me super melancholic.  

Thursday, September 25, 2008

First Post!

This is my first post on this blog, and I don't expect it be either deep or funny.  I don't expect that from any future posts as well.  
I got this blog because a lot of my friends were writing in theirs. Pretty crappy reasoning huh? I figure that keeping this can't hurt my writing, so why not?