Sunday, September 28, 2008

with a buzz in our ears we play endlessly

Have you ever felt unexpressable sadness for no reason at all? I don't mean this in a whiny self-pitying way, but in a way thats like, you feel that something is so fundamentally wrong and you have no way to fix it. 

 I've been feeling that way a lot this lately. I happened a lot to me all though out high school but I really thought I had outgrown it.  It was easier to deal with back then, I could just hide in my room and cry it out for a couple of days. It's not that I even want to be by myself its just that I feel that when I'm like that I'm not really fit for human company if you know what I mean?

It is so much harder in college when you have roommates. I hate to be the Debbie downer but sometimes its hard to hide it. I really don't want anyone to think its their fault ether. 

It is just something I have to work through. I wish I could go home and just talk it out with my mom but my schedule wont let me go home till probably thanksgiving. 

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