Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Upward Over the Mountain

Right now I'm just trying to catch my breath. 
The past weekend was super busy for me. On Thursday my roommate Heather and I went to the Black Kids show which was a ton of fun. Very dancey and they sounded fabulous! Though I felt slightly awkward because throughout the show I was trying to practice flirting ( i.e. eye contact and smiling) because I'm not really good at it. Well I was trying to think flirty thoughts and make eye contact with the guy standing next to us. Absolutely nothing. Oh well, he was ether gay or not interested and I can't do anything about both of those things, so I can't dwell on it even though it was kind of a confidence crusher.

Then Friday Heather and I were supposed to go kayaking but it started to rain, so that nixed that plan. Instead I went to the library ( which absolutely my favorite place in Boston, everyone should go there) and got some book that I really don't have time to read. I got two Ursula K. Le Guin book and remembered why she is one of my top three authors. Everything about her books are wonderful, the plot, the characters, the writing style, everything. Later that night I hung out with my friends Megan and Edyna and that was interesting to say the least but I don't wanna go into it on a blog.

Saturday Heather and I decided to climb a mountain. Literally, we got up ridiculously early in the morning and took a bus with a bunch of other students from our college and went to Mt. Monadnock. It was beautiful, the leaves were all changing colors in NH and it was great to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I would definitely do it again even though my muscles still havn't recovered from it yet.

Sunday we got up ridiculously early yet again and went to the breast cancer walk here in Boston. We got over half way through and then decided that we should go to IHOP instead. So I got pancakes, and outside of the IHOP was a farmer's market ( one of my favorite things ever). So we got apples, roasted almonds and APPLE CIDER DONUTS! The rest of the day was spent laying around my room pretending to be productive.

In comparison my weeks seem relatively tame and very sedate that's for sure. I've been mostly studying for a Spanish test I've got Friday. Tonight I have Irish Step Dancing so that should be fun.

1 comment:

Megan said...
